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Nichole - Dirty H if you're nasty

I like to read about boys who like other boys. I don't like angst. I don't like high fructose corn syrup.

Currently reading

Brainy and the Beast
J.M. Cartwright
Becoming Us - Anah Crow, Dianne Fox This book had two elements that I typically really like: friends become lovers & struggles with coming out - not to mention I just read another book by Anah Crow that blew my socks off. So I guess I had high expectations for this book, and I was disappointed.

It started out good. Zac and Bryce have been roommates and best friends since their first year of college. They're seniors now, and Zac recently came out as bisexual in an interview in a college sports magazine. Bryce is hurt that Zac didn't tell him sooner, and also struggles with his own attraction to males. He comes from a family of douches so he's had a harder time than most and has tried really hard to suppress it.

So far so good. Bryce starts to give in to his attraction to Zac and at first it's cute, and you really feel for Bryce's dilemma. But then there's a point where the scale tips and it's no longer sweet and realistic, it's just sex scene after sex scene after sex scene, and then Bryce is freaking out and they're constantly cuddling and telling each other how much they like touching. I felt like I got tricked into thinking there was a plot. The bulk of the book is whining and sex.